Contact Us

Always someone on the end of the line


Free Phone: 0800 4 THINK (0800 4 84465)


Think Concepts Auckland

Level 1 / 29 East Street,
Auckland 1010

PO Box 8228, Newmarket, Auckland 1149

Ph:  +64 9 379 5557
Fax: 0800 329 844


Think Concepts Wellington

Ground Floor,
275 Cuba Street,
Te Aro,
Wellington 6011

Ph:  +64 4 974 9520
Fax: 0800 329 844


Think Concepts Tauranga

Suite 5,
89 Grey Street,
Tauranga 3110

Ph: +64 7 222 0022
Fax: 0800 329 844



For more information about our services, please fill out the form below and a Think Concepts staff member will be in touch!