5 Tips to help plan your IT priorities for 2022

As we head into the third year of a global pandemic, companies are working harder than ever before to plan and strategise within an uncertain and ever-changing business landscape. With a significant shift in where and how we work, many businesses are prioritising investment in robust, secure, and agile IT systems and processes. So what should you be focusing on when you plan your IT budget for the year ahead? Here are our top 5 tips for success in 2022.

1.   Create a COVID-19 IT continuity plan

As we’ve come to realise over the past few years, COVID-19 isn’t about to disappear anytime soon. That means planning for potential disruptions such as staff who need to isolate, a worksite that needs to close for deep cleaning, and possible supply disruptions. If you haven’t considered how you will manage with key staff unable to work for weeks at a time, or important supplies being unavailable, now is the time to do so. You can find a step-by-step guide to creating a plan at business.govt.nz. Here are a few pointers to help get you started:

  • Identify key products and services, internal staff, and connections such as suppliers, service providers, and customers.

  • Consider relocation options in case you need to vacate your premises.

  • Identify who can run the business in your absence.

  • Regularly back up important data.

2.  Work in the cloud

The pandemic has highlighted the need for businesses to be accessible, flexible, and scalable, in order to succeed under the unpredictable conditions we’re all facing. Cloud technology – which allows you to store and access data and programs over the internet instead of your computer's hard drive – is key to that success.

If you’re not already working in the cloud, this should be a priority for 2022. With around 60% of the global workforce working remotely at the height of the pandemic, it’s little surprise that half of all business workloads are expected to run in the cloud by 2023.

Not only does using the cloud make remote work much easier, but cloud computing also has the benefit of significant cost savings with zero in-house server storage and application requirements.

Think Concepts makes moving to the cloud seamless and straightforward with little or no downtime. Find out more about our cloud IT services here.

3. Review your cyber security

Scammers and hackers are always looking to take advantage of any vulnerability, and the disruption following COVID-19 has been no exception with sophisticated scams catching out businesses and individuals every day.

With many teams now working remotely, it’s more important than ever to prioritise your cyber security, in fact it’s one of the most important investments you can make in your business. At the very least, scams can cost your business valuable time. But financial costs, and the cost to your business reputation can be far greater. A few pointers to consider:

  • Ensure your staff know how to spot the signs of malware and online scams.

  • Review your password protocols. Read more about password protection here.

  • Talk to Think Concepts about upgrading your security with the latest antivirus and software protection solutions such as ThinkProtect, Dark Web ID, and ThinkSafe.

4.  Review your hardware

The start of a new year is a good time to review your team’s hardware such as phones, devices, and laptops. And with the potential for supply chain disruption ever present, we strongly encourage you to audit and update sooner rather than later.  

Thanks to our strong wholesale relationships with trusted technology partners nationwide and around the world, Think Concepts can secure hardware at competitive pricing normally unavailable through retail channels.

Find out more about our procurement services and how we can help you plan a review and update your business hardware.


5.  Get full support with managed services

Your IT applications and processes are the foundation of your business, especially as remote working is becoming more commonplace and our reliance on cloud technology increases.  

Efficiency, productivity, and the ability to scale all hinge on IT systems that are streamlined, secure, and well managed. You simply can’t afford to take your finger off the pulse of your IT systems. Unless of course, you have someone else managing it effectively for you. 

Think Concepts managed services does exactly that with a service suite that includes strategy consulting, helpdesk support, round-the-clock monitoring, cybersecurity, regular updates, onsite maintenance, and more. 



Whatever your IT needs over the coming year, Think Concepts can help ensure you’ve got the best plan in place with the right tools and support to make 2022 a great one.

Contact us today to get started.


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