Are ALL your software programs up to date? Here’s why it matters

Improperly managed software exposes your business to vulnerabilities and inefficiencies. We explain why it pays to check your software is both fit for purpose and up to date.

Nothing lasts forever, and software is no exception. But unlike most other products, it’s not immediately apparent – or apparent at all – that it’s not working the way it should. Many of the programs businesses still rely on were created long before the automatic updates of the cloud and have increasingly become liabilities, unbeknownst to them. Whether it’s your operating system, office suite, or a communications platform, if it’s out date, you could be putting passwords, trade secrets, and personal data at risk.  

Old Software: 4 Problems that Frequently Arise

1. Compromised security. Out-of-date programs connecting to and receiving files from the Internet present as security holes vulnerable to attack by hackers. Don’t forget that web browsers are software too! While developers will issue ad hoc patches to address vulnerabilities, they won’t always discover them all, by which time it may be too late. And of course, these patches are often not applied correctly or on time by users. Worse still, well-meaning employees may attempt to install alternative, unlicensed solutions that can create more problems than they solve.

2. Incompatibility with new software, devices, or infrastructure. An expired software licence means no futureproofing. As software providers increasingly phase out support for legacy software, you’ll increasingly find yourself incompatible with other platforms, formats, features, and companies, should you be sharing files externally. Even internally, you may have to change processes as significant as web design, as users of Adobe Muse had to when the software was discontinued in 2018, rendering sites created using it no longer compliant with current web standards.

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3. Regulatory and/or legal Issues. Using old versions of software could have legal ramifications. If your company is found to be using pirated software, possible consequences might include fines. If you fail to stay version-current and site-secure, you also expose your customers to the possibility of serious data breaches, which you are obliged to report and will ultimately be held liable for.

4. Performance loss. On top of dreaded downtime, old software means old features – you’ll be missing out on a whole world of possibilities for scalable business growth and everyday productivity. Many cloud products offer functionality that couldn’t even have been fathomed 20 years ago. And on a personal level, the more up to speed you are with the latest software and operating systems, the more competitive you’ll be, no matter what your industry.


Manage Assets and Avoid Unnecessary Costs

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To ensure assets are secure, compliant, and fit for purpose, every business should take inventory of its software programs and licences at least once a year. A thorough internal audit can help your business identify cost-cutting opportunities and plan strategically for future growth. Having the right software for necessary business functions can be a game changer.

Software best practices

1.      Make sure all staff, contractors, and freelancers have up-to-date licences and/or software on their devices, including BOYD. Restrict any personal devices not under your company’s jurisdiction to your guest network. Otherwise, have a detailed plan for tracking what software you have, which employees use it, what the contract says, whether you’re compliant, and when renewals take place.

2.      If you have a pay-as-you-go licence, check that you actually need all the features you’re paying for. For example, if you’ve subscribed to the enterprise version of Office 365 but no one on your team uses analytics or VOIP, switching to the less expensive business version could save you an appreciable amount over time.

3.      Old Microsoft office software slowing you down? Consider moving to the cloud with a monthly Office 365 subscription and automatically get all the latest features and benefits that working in the cloud can bring.

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Regular asset analysis can ensure your IT budget isn’t being wasted on unallocated, under-utilised, or improperly configured software; be aware that the default setting is typically the most expensive and often more robust than you need.

Fortunately, Think Concepts can perform a full software assessment and recommend the right software subscriptions for your business needs. Contact us to learn more about how our managed IT services can help you run a tighter ship, avoid penalties, and ultimately reduce operating costs.


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