Keeping up with the latest technology, without upfront costs

How can you do this you may ask?

Well, did you know that you can finance your equipment costs in addition to soft costs such as maintenance, software and services?

An operating lease enables you to ensure your business is equipped with the latest technology when needed. Operating leases offset costs when the time comes to refresh your IT equipment. 

There are many benefits to companies of all sizes with leasing, and in the present environment, businesses need to decide not only what to buy, but how to buy it.


Here are a few reasons to consider doing your next IT equipment refresh or upgrade through an operating lease.

  • No lump sums: Leasing your new technology avoids lump sums and upfront costs but ensures your business has the latest technology when it's required.
  • Purchase or renewal options: Leasing provides you with end-of-lease options and ongoing flexibility to return, purchase, or upgrade your equipment as your business requires.
  • Fixed payments: A fixed monthly or quarterly payment helps you to predict and manage your budget.
  • Avoid technology obsolescence: Leasing offers you the flexibility to upgrade to new technology to match your current and future business needs.
  • Tax-deductible: When leasing your equipment, your payments could be tax deductible as they can be treated as an operating expense.

How does IT support business strategy?


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