Managed services - more value for your IT budget

Managed services mean you have experts proactively managing your IT – you pass on the responsibilities of maintaining your technology and your systems. That benefits a business in two ways – you’re far less likely to be faced with downtime or slow-downs in your systems, and your IT professionals will also be able to spot and implement opportunities for improvement. It’s a smarter, more reliable alternative to break/fix or on-demand outsourcing, when IT support is called only when something goes wrong or stops working well.


Ongoing stability

With managed services, Think Concepts will proactively ensure your IT environment is as stable as possible – they’ll pre-emptively run updates, and spot issues early to avoid down time.

We offer access to all manner of cloud-based services, ranging from cloud storage to infrastructure and mail hosting. We also carry out various levels of IT support and management of our clients’ IT environments. 

Reduced staff time on IT issues

The value of this is a connection between management and IT direction – your management and staff will spend far less time implementing new IT systems and will significantly reduce the need for day-to-day support.

With a managed services agreement, you tap into the resource pool of our entire team. We monitor your systems to minimise any surprises, and essentially become the internal IT team you’ve always wanted – without the huge overheads.

A service that grows with you

We’ll also grow with you, evolving our service with the needs of your business. We’ll take the time to understand your site, your business goals and how IT can support you. You’ll have us on hand with technical advice for both small, daily issues and those big decisions.

With managed services, you get far more value overall – you are provided with access a higher degree of expertise, get more for your budgets, and establish a foundation for faster, easier growth.


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